Saturday, August 31, 2024

Book Review of The Murderbot Diaries #3 - Rogue Protocol

Well, the “Rogue Protocol” definitely sticks to the script like the previous two books in the series. Crisp story, fast pace & lots of action with our endearing sentient bot in the center of it all. What is slightly annoying now is that even though I am three books into the series and enjoying it so far, I don’t see a long encompassing theme per-say. This is more like a set of stories - strung together because of the same protagonist. Maybe something overarching will emerge in the next books, one can hope. Still, Rogue Protocol itself is perfectly enjoyable - 4/5.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Book Review of The Murderbot Diaries #2 - Artificial Condition

“Sometimes people do things to you that you can’t do anything about. You just have to survive it and go on.”

You know what's more fun than a fully sentient humanoid robot with deadly weapons? A one that also has a heart of gold. Even though this all sounds like a cliche, the second installment of the Murderbot Diaries series did not disappoint. Just one issue - it ended abruptly, and the world building seemed annoyingly incomplete at times. Still the book as a whole was a breezy fun. "Artificial Condition" - a strong 3.5/5 

Book Review of The Murderbot Diaries #1 - All Systems Red

"I don’t know what I want. But it isn’t that, it’s that I don’t want anyone to tell me what I want, or to make decisions for me."

Humanoid robots becoming self-aware and fully sentient isn't a new trope anymore. In fact, it wasn't a new idea even back in 2017 when this book was first published. Still, the first book in the Murderbot Diaries, "All Systems Red" is a fun, entertaining and a quick read. This isn't necessarily just a popcorn Sci-Fi - the world building is intriguing, and it is nice to read the story from the first-person view of the protagonist who is a sentry robot that has just become self-aware. Give it a go, 4/5.