Sunday, March 7, 2021

Book Review of "Mistborn #1 - The Final Empire"

 “Belief isn’t simply a thing for fair times and bright days. What is belief if you don’t continue in it after failure?”

I decided to take the plunge into the famed Cosmere Universe and boy oh boy, the first book in the Mistborn trilogy is a superbly entertaining piece of writing! This is taking fantasy writing back to basics. No hidden philosophy or any satirical undertones. A story told very well, that’s it.

A likable, sympathetic, and feisty protagonist, her helpful & charismatic mentor (think temperament of a teenage Sirius Black with the skillset of an adult Snape) and a well crafted, all-powerful antagonist with just the right sense of mystery - the three pillars that make the Final Empire click. The metal-based magic system designed by Brandon Sanderson is unique and super fun to read. You might be put off by the pacing in the first half, but the second half more than makes up for it! 

“That’s kind of what trust is, isn’t it? A willful self-delusion?”

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