Friday, March 19, 2021

Book Review of "Mistborn #2 - The Well of Ascension"

 "Which is more potent? The pain of memory, or the pain of forgetting?"

The second book in the Mistborn Trilogy did not disappoint. The same superb storytelling, the same near-perfect character development, and the same unadulterated entertainment without any pretensions. It's hard not to rave about the intricately designed magic system - it’s just super fun to read. 

That being said though, the first half is maddeningly slow and slightly off-putting. But in a typical Brandon Sanderson style, the last 30% or so is a whirlwind of action and adventure and impossible to stop in between. So a word of caution - do Not get into the third act of this book on a weekday night unless you are ready to sacrifice your sleep! Overall, not perfect but a solid sequel to the first book.

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