Sunday, April 4, 2021

Book Review of "Mistborn #3 - Hero of Ages"

Brandon Sanderson really knows how to stick the landing! The Hero of Ages is a fun and tremendously entertaining book to end the Mistborn trilogy with a satisfying bang. Open questions are resolved, loose ends are tied up and just the perfect amount of opening is left for a potential sequel. 

What I liked about this trilogy is that it doesn’t try to be anything more than a fantasy story. It does what it sets out to do and it does it very well. The character development is superb, the twists are shocking enough and everyone, including the protagonist, faces the consequences of their actions! So even though, as a standalone book, Hero of Ages is not the best of the trilogy, it succeeds in ending the story in the best way possible.

“If you give up what you want most for what you think you should want more, you’ll just end up miserable.”

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