"Cynicism is a crutch, a crutch that justifies the worst in us by pointing to the worst in others."
Although I enjoy psychological thrillers as a genre, I am not a big fan of out-and-out horror. I still decided to give “The Mine” by Arnab Ray a chance because I have thoroughly enjoyed his other work and a little indulgence has never hurt anyone, right?So even though I am probably not the right “target audience” for this book, I found “The Mine” to be adequately enjoyable. The mystery is not bad, the characterization is sufficiently layered for a horror story and even though the gore is a little too much for my taste, it is not completely off-putting. Talk about a lukewarm review for a book! A “solid” 3.5 from me.
What did bother me though is that despite the theme of the story being how some evil is hidden in all of us, the only “sin” that the characters indulge in, is lust. I understand sex sells, but I like to believe that it is not the only thing that sells.
So anyway, if you enjoy horror, do give this a try. If you don’t particularly enjoy horror, you can still give this a try and you won’t be too put off. One absolutely great thing about “The Mine” is the super unexpected twist at the end - which literally happens on the last page, so be sure to read the Epilogue!