Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Book Review of "The Lies of Locke Lamora, The Gentleman Bastards #1 - by Scott Lynch"

Insanely entertaining, fast-paced & action packed ! "The Lies of Locke Lamora", the first book in the Gentleman Bastards series, is part Ocean's 11, part Italian Job, part Robin Hood and part Game of Thrones. And if that isn't enough, it has some of the wittiest, sassiest & downright bad-ass characters who never miss a chance of giving out a good sarcastic burn! 

I have read my share of fantasy books, and Gentleman Bastards does have some similarities with other great fantasy works of fiction, but it is still so much different than many of them. The main protagonist, 'Locke Lamora' is - for the lack of a better word - a thief. Yes - he has a heart of gold and a sense of right and wrong - but he can also be extremely ruthless, downright cold & calculating and basically a bit of a jerk. I wouldn't go so far as to call him an "anti-hero", but his shades of grey make for a great story indeed !

The author, Scott Lynch, weaves his tale in the fictional city of "Camorr" - inspired after Venice, the city of canals. The language, the dialogues are excellent, character interactions flow effortlessly and you get hooked on to the story very easily.

Overall, a great read if you enjoy fantasy or fiction in general and even if these genres aren't your cup of tea, still worth giving it a shot for a good weekend read. 

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